St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


Mary 韦尔奇 说 she had it easy when it came time to decide where she wanted to start the next chapter of her life to pursue dreams and aspirations.
韦尔奇, currently pursuing a master of business administration degree after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in business administration in management with a minor in psychology, 出生在一个全球网赌十大网站家族. 她的母亲, father and older sister graduated from the university before she enrolled here in fall 2016.  

她的父亲, 丹·韦尔奇, who graduated from Bona’s in 1992 with a bachelor’s degree in business administration in finance, 后来共同创立了CaterTrax, 罗切斯特的一家软件公司. 他现在是橡树丘出口规划公司的老板, LLC — a certified business consulting company — also based in Rochester.  


“His life path and trajectory was what made me want to pursue a business degree here at 博纳旺蒂尔,韦尔奇说.  

While 韦尔奇 knew what her main career interests were all along, that is not to say she had it all figured out from the start. If she had to describe her time as a student at Bona’s in one word, growth would be it.  

“当你是高三学生的时候, 你以为你知道你的计划, 你的人生将走向何方,”她说。. “但在现实中,你没有. Growth to me has been the highlight of my time at 博纳旺蒂尔. 它挑战我成为一个独立的思想家, learner and soon-to-be-professional in the business world.”  

韦尔奇 will start her professional career in May as a consultant within Oak Knolls Exit Planning working, 当然, 在她父亲身边. 但在她到达这里之前, 她迎接了成长的挑战, 不断地学习, 领导和挑战自己.  

玛丽·韦尔奇和C4的同事们韦尔奇上了几节约翰博士的课. Todd Palmer, associate professor in the School of Business. 但帕尔默通过C4对韦尔奇的影响最大, a consulting club in which students work with businesses and nonprofits through partnerships with such development groups as the Olean Business Development Corp. 及南部及西部区域规划 & 开发板. 韦尔奇 说 that through her experience with the organization, Palmer channeled her imagination. 

“We work with a lot of local businesses on providing consulting services, 比如网站开发, 营销协助,甚至一些会计工作,韦尔奇说. “Sometimes with these engagements, there were some bumps in the road. 这就是博士. Palmer taught me to use my knowledge and get creative on how to get engagements back on track. 

“...In the consulting world, you have to be ready to handle the unexpected, and Dr. Palmer provided me with all of the tools to do exactly that.”  

And Palmer took notice of 韦尔奇’s work ethic and ability to adapt, both in and out of the classroom. 他称她为“双重威胁”.“韦尔奇在课堂上是一名优秀的学生, 他说, 但她在场外特别犀利. 

玛丽韦尔奇_A10“Outside the classroom is where Mary really shines,” Palmer 说. 几年来, 玛丽是我们C4咨询组的成员, starting as a consultant and in her senior year she was a ‘senior principal.“她一丝不苟,工作非常努力.  She was always concerned with the value that our client was receiving.” 

尽管韦尔奇对自己的未来有自己的计划, she took up a newfound interest this past fall in one of her graduate courses — the legal environment of business — with Dr. Thomas Hare, assistant professor of business law at the university. 

To 韦尔奇, Hare is someone who eats, sleeps and breathes the law. She credits him for sparking her interest in law school — something she still hopes to accomplish in the future.  

“他对我一直都很真实, 努力, energy and money that it takes for someone to pursue a juris doctorate degree,韦尔奇说. “I had the opportunity to hear his story and the path he took to get his juris doctorate. 就在我准备法学院入学考试的时候, he gave me tips and words of wisdom that really enabled me to do well on the exam.” 

韦尔奇还指出了St. 博纳旺蒂尔 students can relate to: Everyone has that one person who really believes in them. Hare, 当然, has been one of those individuals for her.  

“如果是和你没有血缘关系的人, 比如教练或老师, 他们会不遗余力地帮助你, 这对我很有意义. I can certainly say that it was this past semester when I started to believe in myself and what I am capable of.” 

In turn, Hare 说 having 韦尔奇 in his classroom was an honor. 如此如此, 他说 that she has been one of his favorites to teach since he arrived at the university in spring 2020.

“她拥有所有的知识, 技能, abilities and personal traits that you hope for in all of your students and usually find in the best ones,野兔说。. “她做事很有条理,上课总是有备而来, 她总是按时上课并准时到达, 她自愿参加,只要有要求, and she has excellent logical and analytical reasoning abilities. Beyond those qualities, she is easy to work with and a real joy to have in class.”  

韦尔奇 has also followed many ambitions outside of the classroom over the course of her time at the university. 她参加了许多俱乐部, but no experiences have been as exciting — or exhilarating — than the time she spent on the cheerleading team as an undergraduate (2016-2020). 玛丽韦尔奇_cheerleading 

With the team, 韦尔奇 traveled the country for numerous men’s basketball games. She attended the Atlantic 10 Conference men’s basketball tournament three times and traveled to Dayton, 俄亥俄州, 和达拉斯, 德州, in 2018 when the Bonnies appeared in the NCAA Tournament. 

“I organized and choreographed many dance routines for the 30-second timeouts and the halftime performances that we would do,“韦尔奇, 谁是这个团队的领导者之一, 说. “I also worked alongside the other captains in creating and running the workout programs.  


当韦尔奇准备完成她在全球网赌十大网站 in May, there are, 当然, many emotions. 但对她来说,最重要的是感恩. S他说 she doesn’t know what other universities’ philosophies are or how other students are prepared. 但她知道全球网赌十大网站 and its School of Business have done for her. 这是在为一个成功的未来埋下种子. 


“I know how to grow through all experiences and how to handle them with humility and tenacity,”她说。. “这都要感谢我的母校SBU.”

迈克·霍根(Mike Hogan), 21年

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