SBU-TV news anchors on the air in the Bob Koop Broadcast Lab on campus

St. Bonaventure University



The 詹多里传播学院’s 75th Anniversary and Hellinger celebration will be held Oct. 19 on campus. The festivities will include the 2024 Hellinger Award Ceremony honoring Rich Williams, ’24, and Cassidey Kavathas, ’24, 以及李·科波拉的年度杰出校友颁奖典礼, former dean of the school and a member of the Class of 1964. 

The Oct. 19项活动将以下午1点的研讨会开始.m. 随后是Jandoli学校设施扩建和翻新的奠基仪式.

《全球网赌十大网站》纪录片的特别放映将于下午4点举行.m. Friday, Oct. 18、在约翰. 摩菲专业大厦. 放映对公众开放. 无需预约.




Logo for the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass CommunicationThis accreditation, 基于课程和教学等标准的, faculty, scholarship, facilities, student services, 多样性和包容性, 外部证据证明了我们项目的实力吗, and recognition of the work we have been doing for more than 70 years.


The hallmark of our undergraduate programs is experiential learning. 每个专业都需要400小时的实习时间.

    Majors are prepared for communication careers in a variety of video and audio media fields. Our students produce broadcasts for SBU-TV in our professionally 配备和监督广播工作室,通过有线电视和互联网通过频谱到达观众.
    主修专业的学生要学会清晰简洁地写作, and to appreciate that with their power as communicators comes a moral and ethical responsibility. 学生们有很多机会 hone their craft, 从为博纳创投(Bona Venture)学生报纸撰稿,到通过TapInto Greater Olean为当地社区制作超本地化的在线全球网赌十大网站. 
    Majors want to explore big ideas and how media affects society. 这个跨学科的课程提供了很大的灵活性, allowing you to follow your passions with courses from other programs.
    专业学生的学习课程旨在为他们在各种体育相关领域的职业生涯做好准备. Jandoli School students broadcast many of the university's Division I athletic contests, including men's and women's home basketball games, on ESPN+.
  • 战略沟通
    专业人士获得指导企业和组织内部沟通所需的实用技能和道德决策. 你将学会创造和 execute integrated and complex communication plans while working in an agency setting, 为客户策划活动.
    Majors want to use their creativity and technical prowess to create dynamic videos for television, film, streaming networks, 体育公司和非营利组织.
  • 沟通、社会正义和倡导
  • Elevate your passion

    Anthony DaSilva, '25, a Broadcast Journalism major in the 詹多里传播学院, elevated his passion for storytelling at the Chautauqua Institution.


    • 营销传播硕士学位
      掌握策略性讲故事和创造性思维的艺术,同时展示战略规划和活动分析的实力. Specialize in content marketing or integrated marketing communication.

    • 数字全球网赌十大网站硕士学位
      该计划通过为您提供为传统和数字媒体开发原创故事的技能,为您在当今的现代全球网赌十大网站环境中提供竞争力, 基于最高的全球网赌十大网站标准. 您将学习通过结合摄影在广泛的平台上与观众联系, video, design and audio.

      Prepare to lead with empathy and compassion in any business climate, 有扎实的沟通技巧基础, strategic thinking, change management, 创新和团队建设.

    • 体育全球网赌十大网站学硕士 
      Learn the skills necessary to become a modern-day sports journalist, combining traditional news reporting with a wide variety of digital competencies, 包括社交媒体和讲故事, podcasts, and mobile experiences. 在我们的校友大师班, you will learn from some of the top journalists in the field, including ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski and Mike Vaccaro of the New York Post.


    Qualified high school seniors can earn guaranteed placement, as incoming freshmen, 攻读两个硕士学位之一.

    • 早期保证全球网赌十大网站
      Qualified high school seniors are guaranteed placement in either of two online graduate programs:
      • M.A. in Digital Journalism
      • M.A. in Sports Journalism

    • 早期保障营销传播
      Qualified high school seniors are guaranteed placement in our M.A. 营销传播专业.
    要了解更多关于这些早期保障计划的信息, CLICK HERE.

    It's your game plan

    We provide the instruction, mentoring and opportunity, you carry the ball from there. Our students demonstrate time and time again that they have the talent and tenacity to succeed.


    Above all, 我们的学生学会写得好, the foundation on which every successful communication career is built.

    作为詹多里学校的一名学生, 你将学会如何收集, 分析和交流信息, 几乎所有职业都重视的技能. We teach these skills within the context of a broad liberal arts background, and, 以保持我们方济各会的传统, we pride ourselves in weaving ethics into each of our courses.

    It's no surprise, then, that our graduates work in a variety of professions: journalism, public relations, advertising, sports media, broadcasting, 企业沟通, law, government and more. Our professors have hundreds of years of experience in these areas and others.


    一名学生在SBU-TV广播中工作From a 400-hour internship requirement for all Jandoli School majors, 感谢在校园媒体工作的无数机会, 到一门课程中,学生为当地真正的商业客户担任营销传播顾问, experiential learning has long been a hallmark of a communications degree from St. Bonaventure.

    学生们经营着一家排名靠前的校园广播电台, 出版印刷周刊和在线日报, 播放每周全球网赌十大网站节目, 报道SBU的校园体育活动, and publish the oldest consecutively published student literary magazine in the country.

  • ESPN的“Woj”每天都在使用他在SBU的教育

    ESPN资深NBA内部人士Adrian Wojnarowski说, Class of 1991, 他把自己的成功归功于精准的基本原则, 他在圣. Bonaventure.


    丹·巴里在2016年毕业典礼上的演讲《全球网赌十大网站》专栏作家丹·巴里(右), a 1980 SBU graduate, 每次坐下来写的时候都这么说, 他的一个前SBU教授在听他说话, 敦促我找一个更好的词 ... 去寻找语言所能激发的电流."

    Our graduates work in a variety of professions and have won many of journalism's highest honors. 除了五位普利策奖得主,我们还有杜邦、皮博迪、艾美奖、体育艾美奖和爱德华R. Murrow award winners, a National Association of Black Journalists Hall of Fame inductee, and National and New York Sportswriter of the Year winners.

    在吉姆·默里纪念基金会奖学金征文比赛中,我们的获奖者比其他任何学校都多, which invites participation from only the strongest journalism programs in the nation.

    获得詹多里传播学院的学位不仅意味着你师从了最好的人, 但你准备在他们中间占有一席之地.


  • 关于詹多里传播学院

    Aaron ChimbelMeet Aaron Chimbel, 詹多里学院院长, 看看我们的任务, 我们的学习目标, 还有我们对专业的承诺.

    Plus, learn about:

    • 创新:Jandoli学校的数字杂志
    • 詹多里学校奖学金, events and awards, including the prestigious Mark Hellinger and Woman of Promise awards
    • The Jandoli Institute, 成立于2019年,旨在探索当今的媒体格局,以帮助确保媒体继续在我们国家的民主中发挥建设性作用



    3 of 4 Americans will watch Super Bowl; 1 in 5 have an online sportsbook account

    sports survey logo

    詹多里传播学院和锡耶纳学院研究所再次联手进行年度美国体育粉丝调查. 在第一部分:All Things Super Bowl中,结果显示75%的美国人将观看今年的比赛. 第2部分探讨在线体育博彩的爆炸式增长. 

    All Things Super Bowl (available here)
    博彩合法化的影响 (available here)

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